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All students CAN (and WANT to) perform better academically, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Students can achieve this if they receive the appropriate knowledge, skills, and support they need. It is also essential that students align their ‘inside stuff’ (thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, motivation, goals) with their ‘outside stuff’ (words, actions, behaviours). This is how they build positive character traits and good habits; resulting in lifelong success in all they aspire to be.


Classroom-based learning, self-study, and extra tuition teach students of all ages WHAT TO LEARN; our Super Student Unlimited Programme empowers students on WHY TO LEARN and HOW TO LEARN. Our Super Student Unlimited Programme is all about getting the ‘alignment’ right between the what, why AND how to learn.


Our Super Student Unlimited Programme is for secondary school learners, tertiary institution students, and working adults who are studying to master learning faster, thinking deeper, remembering longer, and living healthier.  Integration of our Learning & Thinking; Health & Wellbeing; AND Self-Mastery & Leadership tools and techniques makes our Super Student Unlimited Programme unique and versatile providing something for anyone who is studying.

Our Super Student Unlimited Programme is offered as a group intervention in four consecutive levels of learning – from Fundamentals to Advanced Plus – either in short, weekly sessions or less frequent one-day workshops. Training is done at educational institutions and workplaces, and in community and training venues. One-to-one coaching is also available on demand.





>  Helps students improve low grades or maintain high grades through memory training, learning skills, and thinking skills
>  Assists learners to build positive relationships with themselves and with others
>  Gets students to develop critical life skills and soft skills for all aspects of living 
Aids learners to focus on their future planning to enjoy the life they desire – and deserve
>  Helps make learning engaging, exciting, and fun 
Stimulates clear, creative, and original thinking 
Facilitates simple and effective information management 
Enhances information storage, retention, and recall, and improves memory, creativity, and self-confidence 
Results in healthier, happier learners, resulting in better grades and academic performance 
Builds caring, competent and capable global citizens who contribute to building a better world




These are SOME of the tools and techniques in the Super Student Unlimited programme. Click the diagram for more information.

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SSU Curriculum
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